Personal injury lawyers deal totally with personal injury accident sufferers.
Personal Injury involves civil law cases as opposed to criminal law cases which involve a defendant and the State of California. In a personal injury accident case, you are trying to obtain reward for a physical or emotional injury that you continued as the result of the actions of someone else. Attorneys help you with any type of legal action involving the physical injuries that occurred due to the careless conduct of someone else. These cases could arise from being involved in an automobile accident, a railroad accident, airline or other common transporter accident, a construction or other workplace accident, being injured as a result of a dangerous or otherwise unsafe product and other injury-causing situations. However, personal injury accident cases do not necessarily have to involve a physical injury (broken bone, cuts, etc...); they sometimes only involve psychological or emotional damages. Only a skilled injury accident lawyer has the experience to determine whether or not you have the type of injury that would allow you to recover damages from a third party.
Lawyers classify psychological personal injuries as those that are
normally caused by psychological shock associated with life-threatening and/or disfiguring physical injuries, or as a result of witnessing shock to others, or following personal escape from serious injury following a shocking event. Before you can recover damages (money) from someone else for your injury, whether physical or emotional, your personal injury accident lawyer will have to prove that someone else (the defendant) is legally responsible legally for your injury. Liability is proven be demonstrating that the defendant was negligent.
To prove negligence in a physical or emotional injury case is a difficult process. There are many things that must be confirmed in order to succeed. If the responsible party does not want to pay money in order to compensate you for you physical or emotional damage, then a lawsuit will need to be filed and the case will likely need to be tried before a judge or a jury. Trying a case before a judge or a jury is a complicated matter that requires in-depth knowledge of the California rules of evidence and civil procedure. Attempting to do this without a lawyer would likely be devastating.
Typically, the party responsible for your physical or emotional injury is represented by an insurance hauler. The insurance carrier employs insurance adjustors or claim adjustors who handle the case, before a lawsuit is filed. Their sole job is to pay you as little as possible. They are skilled at what they do because they typically have a great deal of experience. The adjustor will typically request that you give a written or recorded statement. Provi
ding a statement without the advice of a personal injury accident lawyer can result in you damaging the value of your case. In addition, California has statutes of limitations which determine how long a person has to file a complaint. Missing the deadline to file will result in you being unable to file a lawsuit or recover any money for your injury. An experienced personal injury attorney will know what the applicable statute of limitations is and how to avoid missing the deadline. Hiring a San Juan Capistrano, California based Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz personal injury lawyer will noticeably improve your ability to pursue your injury claim.
If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer.
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