Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Orange County Personal Injury Lawyers

Nowadays, auto accidents are very popular form of personal injury case that usually lawyers take on. I have been involved in an auto accident and I am positive that the accident was not my fault and thought to have my case to be compensated for any economic losses such as lost wages, property damage and some medical bills. That time I have consulted Kuhn&Belz, which has a team of experienced personal injury lawyers serving Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County.

There are many trial lawyers in the greater Orange County area handling all types of personal injury cases including auto accidents, products liability, medical malpractice, wrongful death and fall down cases. However, at Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz we can be sure to have good trial lawyers to win the case and get everything we deserve for the losses we have suffered. With their experience of over 5,000 clients, my anxieties have been reduced and expect to get what I want and answer any questions that I have about my case.

Auto Accident Lawyer Orange County

Being in a Auto accident often results in having serious injuries because of the lack of protection for the biker from other cars and the pavement.

If you have been injured in a Auto accident in Orange County, one of the most important decisions you make on your road to recovery is hiring the right law firm to represent you.

You should hire a law firm with the experience, the reputation and the track record of successful Auto cases to help you seek the maximum compensation available for your injuries.

Kuhn & Belz personal injury lawyers will fight for you. Historically, insurance companies have been known to not treat victims of accidents fairly and it is our firm's job to fight for what we feel is fair.

Call now about your Auto accident case and speak with one of our attorneys for a free consultation. Toll Free 877.238.3086

Orange County Motor Vehicle Accidents

A serious Auto accident may not just damage your car. A serious auto accident can result in catastrophic injuries or even a wrongful death. If you have been inured as a result of an Automobile accident contact the Attorneys of KuhnAnd Belz. The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz is a full service personal injury and business litigation law firm located in San Juan Capistrano, California. Let one of our experienced Personal Injury Attorneys help you today.

A car accident or car crash is an incident in which an automobile collides with anything that causes damage to the automobile, including other automobiles, telephone poles, buildings or trees, or in which the driver loses control of the vehicle and damages it in some other way, such as driving into a ditch or rolling over. Sometimes a car accident may also refer to an automobile striking a human or animal. Car crashes — also called road traffic accidents (RTAs), traffic collisions, auto accidents, road accidents, personal injury collisions, motor vehicle accidents (MVAs), — kill an estimated 1.2 million people worldwide each year, and injure about forty times this number.

Contact an Auto Accident Lawyer - An experienced auto accident lawyer will be invaluable in assisting you when filing your auto accident claim.

Contact Kuhn And Belz today by visiting our web-site at Our experienced accident attorneys are ready to help you receive the compensation you

Auto Accident Claims - Whose Fault Is It Anyway?

We are all conscious of the current compensation culture that exists in the modern world, but are we all conscious of the financial impact it is having on the regular taxpayer, the NHS, Councils and Authorities across the land?

Some people would like us to believe that we, the public, are responsible for the financial burden on public funds due to the growing trend of pursuing personal injury claims. It is true that the volume of claims has more than doubled in the past four years or so, but it is the actual cost of the claim that is causing most of the problem.

Funnily enough though, the actual amounts awarded for compensation have not really changed much over the years, but the amount that the legal professionals can charge for their services has.

The government actually pays the solicitors their costs in compensations claims. Some more underhand claims handlers have been known to actually take a proportion of the money that they win for a applicant, so we can see who the actual winners are this instance.

Is it any wonder that on the television there is company upon company pleading to handle your claim for you, when they can charge through the roof and get duly paid by the Government? Ironically, more often than not, the legal and administrative costs exceed what is actually paid to the victim.

So what can be done about it? There have been many suggestions from legal advisors put forward to the Government, but it is far easier for the Government to blame the public for claiming, than blaming themselves for poor legislation.

In an article by business editor Duncan Brodie the following observations were made:

'The real problem is not that so many people are engaging in litigation but that, from time to time, courts have found in favour of claimants whose weak, and sometimes downright frivolous, cases ought to have been struck out ? The real responsibility for the compensation culture lies, therefore, not so much with the public for seeking compensation as with the state for encouraging and even commissioning action where the degree of culpability is such that the case should never reach the court room. The answer lies ? in the application of common sense, by the Legal Aid authorities, by the CPS and, ultimately, by judges.'

Very well said.

If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a Free Consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Call toll free at (877) 238 3086 or via email using the contact form in the left column.

Auto Accidents Claims And Insurance

If you are not sure of your rights in a auto accident that you have veteran, you must consult the best lawyer possible. You can rest assured that the insurance company will have lawyers to represent them.

Your claim is very important and you should not take it for fixed especially if you have encountered a serious injury in a auto accident. Claims vary differently depending on the type of injuries sustained. Severe injuries include: losing an arm, fractured bones or losing any part of the body.

If you have been hospitalized for a long period of time, you are entitled to a higher compensation. If you are unable to work because of disabilities you may be appropriate for a lifelong compensation. The compensation of disabled person will include the beneficiaries of the victim. He will also get the income he earns in a year.

Sometimes, being handicapped allows for the full compensation in filing for a claim. In order to get the compensation, you must choose the best lawyer who will not take advantage of you and your rights as a victim. Sometimes, the law takes advantage of the disabled person and of those who are not aware of the rules.

Claims and compensation will consider the character and the duration of injuries. If you have recovered from the injuries in days, you will get a smaller compensation compared to severe injuries which might take a month or longer in the hospital to heal. You should not worry about the operating cost because you will rightfully get your compensation as long as the case is adjudicated. Pain, suffering, and disability is measured in determining a rightful compensation.

In considering your auto’s insurance, make sure that you know what your insurance covers. Dealing with the accident requires study to know who is at fault, and to find out if the other party is required to give compensation to the victim. An accident lawyer is perfect for this situation. You might not be recognizable with the rules of filing for a claim, but a lawyer will be.

The law requires auto insurance intended for public use. So it is better to find out if your auto is insured and the consequences that you may face should you have an accident. It is important to make sure that the statements that you are going to give to your insurance company are correct so that the claim will be handled for that reason.

If you don’t want to face these complications and procedures make sure that you are in no doubt in your driving and knowledge. Auto accidents are not be easy to deal with because they can be quite complicated. What is important is that you be given the right compensation for anything you have lost.

If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a Free Consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Call toll free at (877) 238 3086 or via email using the contact form in the left column.

Friday, July 27, 2007

In this article we are giving information about some cases which Kuhnbelz has handled successfully

California Personal Injury Victims

The San Juan Capristrano CA injury lawyers of the San Juan Capistrano, California based law firm of Kuhn & Belz take pride in the fact that they have been able to achieve outstanding jury verdicts for their Southern California personal injury/accident clients. The following are some examples of jury verdicts that the personal injury lawyers of the firm have obtained for their clients.

CASE NAME: Slamkowski vs. Morgan Services, Inc. Defendant
CASE TYPE: Personal Injury – Auto Accident
RESULT: Trial Verdict $1,200,000

CASE NAME: Gonzalez vs. Thompson Defendant
CASE TYPE: Personal Injury – Auto Accident
RESULT: Trial Verdict $1,285,000

UCI Willed Body Scandal Cases

In addition to the above, the San Juan Capristrano CA Injury lawyers at Kuhn and Belz recently completed a $700,000 settlement against the University of California at Irvine in the welled publicized UCI Willed Body Scandals. Kuhn and Belz has been the lead counsel in these cases and has successfully fought to protect the rights of the families who have lost the remains of their family members as a result of the reckless indifference and negligence of UCI officials. Kuhn and Belz have extensive expertise in the area of crematory and mortuary law cases.

If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a free consultation with an experienced San Juan Capristrano CA Injury lawyer. Call toll free at (877) 238 3086 or via email using the contact by click here.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Practise Area Of Kuhn-Belz

The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz is a full service personal injury and business legal action law firm located in San Juan Capistrano, California. The law firm's practice is focused primarily on personal injury/accident matters resulting in serious injury or even death. Personal injury cases cover a broad area of law. The California laws and procedures connected to personal injury law are difficult and require a capable personal injury lawyer to properly navigate through the process.

The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz has built its practice on representing and fighting for the constitutional rights of accident victims in Orange County, California and the surrounding areas. With over 60 years of combined legal experience, The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz's lawyers have the experience and ability to provide personal injury/accident legal solutions to the residents of Southern California and throughout the entire state related to any of the following matters:

Car Accidents

Tractor Trailer Accidents

Watercraft Accidents

Jet Ski Injuries

Boating Accidents

Railroad Accidents

Large Truck Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Construction Site Injuries

Slips and Falls

Dog Bites

Wrongful Death

Product Liability

Defective Product Cases Resulting in Injury

Insurance Bad Faith

Medical Malpractice

Toxic Mold

Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Cases

Mortuary and Crematory law

Attorney or Other Professional Malpractice

In addition, The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz have skilled attorneys who provide business legal action before courts throughout California. To learn more about our full compliment of services, please contact the San Juan Capistrano, California based Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz at (877) 238 3086 for additional information related to any of the above matters or if you have suffered an injury from a matter not listed above.

If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a Free Consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer. Call toll free at (877) 238 3086 or via email using the contact form in the left column.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Personal Injury FAQ

Personal Injury FAQ

It can be tough to set a dollar amount on injuries you suffer in an accident. There are so many things to consider: doctor's bills, time lost from work, medical costs for ongoing injuries, pain and suffering, and so on. Insurance companies take all of them into account when deciding how much to offer -- and in the end pay out -- for a personal injury claim.

Personal Injury law refers to the area of law that involves civil law cases designed to obtain damages for accident victims who have suffered personal injury. Initially, the personal injury attorney usually tries to negotiate with the opposing party or their insurance company. If necessary, and if the attorney thinks you have a good chance of winning, the case may go to trial. The main concerns in an injury case are inattention and liability. Before you can collect an award, your attorney will have to prove that the defendant is liable. To prove legal responsibility, the attorney must establish inattention. If there is a failure to exercise reasonable care to prevent injury or damage then there may be negligence. Once legal responsibility and negligence have been established, the judge or the jury may award money to compensate for medical costs, lost wages and lost future earnings as well as for pain and suffering.

What is Personal Injury?

A personal injury is any physical or mental injury to a person that is a result of someone else's negligence or harmful act. The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz has experience in representing accident victims who have suffered serious personal injury. Sometimes personal injury may be referred to as bodily injury. Injuries can occur in a wide variety of ways. The following are some of the most common accidents resulting in personal injury:

In addition, The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz have experienced attorneys who provide business legal action legal services before courts throughout California. To learn more about our full compliment of services, please contact the San Juan Capistrano, California based Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz at (877) 238 3086 for additional information related to any of the above matters or if you have suffered an injury from a matter not listed above.

Auto accidents

Dangerous or Defective Product Injuries

Motorcycle Accidents

(Product Liability)

Wrongful Death Accidents

Medical Malpractice

Large Truck Accidents

Toxic Exposure

What financial compensation can I recover in a personal injury claim? Accident victims are entitled to recover money damages for all losses and expenses they deserve as a result of an accident. Depending upon the particular circumstances of your case, damages may include recovery for any of the following.

Medical bills

Lost Wages, including overtime

Pain & Suffering

Physical Disability


Permanent Scars

Emotional Trauma

Mental Anguish

Loss of Enjoyment

Loss of Love & Affection


Mental Disability

Property Damage and

All out of pocket expenses (transportation charges, doctor/hospital bills, medical equipment, etc).

Monday, June 4, 2007

Personal injury lawyers

Personal injury lawyers deal totally with personal injury accident sufferers. Personal Injury involves civil law cases as opposed to criminal law cases which involve a defendant and the State of California. In a personal injury accident case, you are trying to obtain reward for a physical or emotional injury that you continued as the result of the actions of someone else. Attorneys help you with any type of legal action involving the physical injuries that occurred due to the careless conduct of someone else. These cases could arise from being involved in an automobile accident, a railroad accident, airline or other common transporter accident, a construction or other workplace accident, being injured as a result of a dangerous or otherwise unsafe product and other injury-causing situations. However, personal injury accident cases do not necessarily have to involve a physical injury (broken bone, cuts, etc...); they sometimes only involve psychological or emotional damages. Only a skilled injury accident lawyer has the experience to determine whether or not you have the type of injury that would allow you to recover damages from a third party.

Lawyers classify psychological personal injuries as those that are normally caused by psychological shock associated with life-threatening and/or disfiguring physical injuries, or as a result of witnessing shock to others, or following personal escape from serious injury following a shocking event. Before you can recover damages (money) from someone else for your injury, whether physical or emotional, your personal injury accident lawyer will have to prove that someone else (the defendant) is legally responsible legally for your injury. Liability is proven be demonstrating that the defendant was negligent.

To prove negligence in a physical or emotional injury case is a difficult process. There are many things that must be confirmed in order to succeed. If the responsible party does not want to pay money in order to compensate you for you physical or emotional damage, then a lawsuit will need to be filed and the case will likely need to be tried before a judge or a jury. Trying a case before a judge or a jury is a complicated matter that requires in-depth knowledge of the California rules of evidence and civil procedure. Attempting to do this without a lawyer would likely be devastating.

Typically, the party responsible for your physical or emotional injury is represented by an insurance hauler. The insurance carrier employs insurance adjustors or claim adjustors who handle the case, before a lawsuit is filed. Their sole job is to pay you as little as possible. They are skilled at what they do because they typically have a great deal of experience. The adjustor will typically request that you give a written or recorded statement. Providing a statement without the advice of a personal injury accident lawyer can result in you damaging the value of your case. In addition, California has statutes of limitations which determine how long a person has to file a complaint. Missing the deadline to file will result in you being unable to file a lawsuit or recover any money for your injury. An experienced personal injury attorney will know what the applicable statute of limitations is and how to avoid missing the deadline. Hiring a San Juan Capistrano, California based Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz personal injury lawyer will noticeably improve your ability to pursue your injury claim.

If you or someone you know in Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer, then contact The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz for a free consultation with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Call toll free at (877) 238 3086 or

via email using the contact form .

Monday, May 21, 2007

Kuhn Belz Attorneys


The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz is a personal injury and business litigation law firm located in San Juan Capistrano, California.

The law firms practice is focused primarily on personal injury/accident matters resulting in serious injury or even death.

The California laws and procedures related to personal injury law are complicated and require a skilled personal injury lawyer to properly navigate through the process.

The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz has built its practice on representing and fighting for the rights of accident victims in California ,Orange County, California or a surrounding area including San Bernardino County, Riverside County, San Diego County, or Los Angeles County. needs the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer

Other Related Area:-

Car Accidents

Tractor Trailer Accidents

Watercraft Accidents

Jet Ski Injuries

Boating Accidents

Railroad Accidents

Large Truck Accidents

Motorcycle Accidents

Construction Site Injuries

Slips and Falls

Dog Bites

Wrongful Death

Product Liability

Defective Product Cases Resulting in Injury

Insurance Bad Faith

Medical Malpractice

Toxic Mold

Elder Abuse

Nursing Home Cases

Mortuary and Crematory law

Attorney or Other Professional Malpractice

Why Only Kuhn & BelZ

In addition, The Law Offices of Kuhn & Belz have experienced attorneys who provide business litigation legal services before courts .

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